3 Dangers of Iodine Therapy for Hypothyroidism

Jun 12, 2012 | Written by .


Iodine therapy has become quite popular as a “potential” solution for hypothyroidism today. Much of its popularity arises from its use in treating goiters centuries ago. But today, could it be causing more harm than good? It is well known that the thyroid gland requires iodine to produce thyroid hormone. But few people understand the potential dangers of iodine therapy and excessive iodine consumption. Dangers of Excessive Iodine Today, iodine deficiency is extremely rare even […]

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3 Ways Coffee Can Heal Your Thyroid and Save Your Life

Jun 05, 2012 | Written by .


In the not so distant past, coffee has been put through the ringer. It’s been called every bad name in the book. Many so-called “health experts” have even gone as far as to label coffee as a highly addictive drug that is equivalent to a number of illegal narcotics. But now, the “coffee” tables have turned because more and more research is being published supporting the vast protective benefits that coffee has to offer. The […]

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Hypothyroidism and Cholesterol – What You Don’t Know CAN Kill You!

May 23, 2012 | Written by .


The topic of cholesterol is one that has been near and dear to my heart for more than a decade now. I have a family history of high cholesterol and heart disease and when I was younger and didn’t know any better, I always feared my “genetics” were going to get the best of me. As I got older, my cholesterol did become a problem but I’m happy to say that using the very principles […]

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Welcome to TomBrimeyer.com

May 15, 2011 | Written by .


Let me be the first to welcome you to TomBrimeyer.com. This is the latest project of mine that has been in the making and on the shelf for more than a year now. But I’ve committed myself to my personal mission: My Personal Mission: To inspire and educate more than 1 Million people to take control and achieve true health by finding and fixing the underlying cause of their health problems instead of being stuck […]

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